
Showing posts from May, 2011

The Millions : Kindle-Proof Your Book in Seven Easy Steps!

The Millions : Kindle-Proof Your Book in Seven Easy Steps!

End of the line for paperbacks? - News - IOL | Breaking News | South Africa News | World News | Sport | Business | Entertainment |

End of the line for paperbacks? - News - IOL | Breaking News | South Africa News | World News | Sport | Business | Entertainment |

Kindle Images

Hi, While playing around with this I worked out the following method, I'm using photoshop but perhaps someone who uses a different application can adapt it for that? Part 1 - Image size So as I'm going to create a screensaver image, I resize my image to 800x600 and set the DPI to 72. NB If you want to create an image for in-book use, use 640x525 and 72 DPI. 1) Image -> Image size 2) Height 800 3) Resolution 72 Part 2 - Convert to Grayscale (or Greyscale) Next we need to convert it to a gray scale, there are numerous ways to do this depending on how fussy you are (i.e. how much data you want to preserve) but here are a couple of methods below. Method 1 1) Image menu -> Mode - Grayscale 2) Select yes to discard the colour information NB: With this method, you don't get to tweak the image before it's converted Method 2 1) Image menu -> adjustments -> Channel mixer 2) Tick the monochrome box 3) Move the sliders around until your happy 4) Click OK NB: This method...