Qubes OS 3.2 and i3 Window Manager

The installation from the Qubes 2.3 i3 installation documentation worked very well, no issues whatsoever. After logging in and back out I was greeted by my familiar desktop (or lack thereof) and was able to make some tweaks to the config file (an ~/.config/i3/config).

I noticed that the Qubes VM Manager was gone. After restarting the laptop and logging back into i3 the manager loaded, though.

Everything seems to be working very well, just have to get used to starting the vm's name when using the dmenu. One glitch that I have noticed, but wasn't able to reproduce, yet, is that some of the icons disappeared from the i3 status bar at random. I think it happened when I reloaded the i3 config, but I am not sure. Will add to the post if I am able to reproduce it.


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